Hey you, I am Rashmi

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Certified Life Coach

RTY 400 Advanced Yoga Teacher’s Training

Breathwork, Meditation & Mindfulness Coach

Learner for life

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My Journey Began With Curiosity

Discovering Authenticity in a World Full of Opinions

Welcome! I’m thrilled to have you here.

We live in a world where everyone has an opinion on who you should be and what you need to be happy. Amidst the constant external noise, it can be challenging to hear your inner voice and determine who you truly are.

Growing up, I often heard the phrase, “be your authentic self,” but it didn’t resonate with me. Instead, I choose to focus on becoming who I thought I needed to be in order to feel valued. This relentless pursuit of a certain image left me exhausted. The constant comparison to others only fueled negative self-talk and a persistent feeling of never being “good enough.”

02 — The Change Starts When We Change Our Thinking

My story is one of transformation—from self-sabotage to self-love.

This ongoing process has taught me invaluable lessons about self-awareness, acceptance, and the power of a positive mindset.

 For a long time, I struggled with self-doubt and avoidance, shying away from parts of myself that I found difficult to confront. Through perseverance and the right support, I began to understand the importance of acknowledging and embracing every aspect of my being.

Client Testimonial - “IT BROUGHT ME BACK TO ME” 

“Starting with a simple body Scan meditation session with Rashmi offered me a doorway of opportunity to briefly enter a world of peaceful introspection with a delicious taste of harmony. The art of clearing your mind is powerful. It sounds crazy, I know. I was initially very skeptical myself. But as I continued to join meditation sessions once a week for 6 weeks, gradually it became an amazing and calming experience for me. I found that this form of meditation helped me to keep myself grounded in my life. She worked with me to understand my strengths and requirements to create a 6- week Meditation program best suited for me. Thank You, Rashmi!!” — Shweta 

03 — My GOAL here is Simple

My mission as a Life Coach: helping you build a positive, healthy & empowering relationship with yourself.

What I Do

  • Quiet the Inner Critic: Learn to silence that negative voice inside and replace it with self-compassion and confidence.

  • Break Free from People-Pleasing: Discover your true values and learn to prioritize your own needs without guilt.

  • Embrace Mindfulness: Use mindfulness techniques to connect with your inner wisdom and find clarity in your life.

  • Proven Coaching Methods: Benefit from effective strategies and methods tailored to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Why It Matters

Unleashing your authentic magic means creating a life you truly love and deserve. Through our work together, you will:

  • Discover Your Values: Understand what truly matters to you and align your life accordingly.

  • Kick What's Not Working: Identify and remove obstacles that hold you back from your true potential.

  • Connect with Inner Wisdom: Tap into your innate knowledge and intuition to make empowered decisions.

Let's Get Started

Ready to transform your life? Click the button below and let's embark on this incredible journey together!